About Me

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I live in the Hunger Games.



i like a lot of martial arts movies. like the karate kid, crouching tiger hidden dragon, rocky and the forbidden kingdom. because of all the lessons, the action, the magic, and the flying stuff. me and my friend both like star wars, i especially like the force because they can lift two million tons with a single finger, the lightsabers is cool too , my favorite one is the red saber because its my favorite color. it's funny how Yoda talks, like "not funny i talk". a scary sci-fi movie is the Andromeda strain its about an alien virus that kills people ten seconds flat. how it kills people is it damages the brain in a certain area and it drives them crazy and they die, also it turns your blood into powder. another good movie is rear window, its corny, but is has a good theme to it.
the harry potter movies are great also, j.k. rowling has a great imagination, my thanks to her. the shrek movies are great also, because of the moral "be who you are" and it has a funny twist to it. the movie the iron giant because of this godzilla tall robot that doesn't know who the heck he is. spireted away is about this sassypants girl who wanders into the spirit world and makes a boat load of friends and then she comes home and works harder. well that is all the movies that ive liked so far.


Madisons Blog said...

Wow i like a couple of those movies to but I'm more about chick flicks then martial arts!!! but it still sounds really fun!!!!

Inches said...

Yo Jens,
Those movies sound pretty much awesome. I liked the Harry Potter books way better than the movies though. Are crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon really movies? Those names make me chuckle. Haha I dont know why. Well your blog was coolio. Ill come back again fo sho =)


Angie said...

Wow Jens. i love your movie interest! i dont really have Many of the same but i bet they are all really cool! So have you always liked those movies? like harry potter and stuff like that?

Guy's world of blogging! said...

Hey Jens, it is Guy. I have a lot of the same interests of the movies you picked. I really like Spirited Away. That is a really good movie. Since I am Japanease (I think I spelled that wrong) I own Spirited Away in Japanease.

Ellie said...

haha i have seen spirited away it used to be my favorite movie! those were some interesting movies you told us about. i think you would like the movie transformers it sounds like your kind of movie oh yeah that and Bambi, Bambi is a very intense movie i think you might like it! i don't want to give the whole movie away but Bambis mom dies!! i hope you watch it!!

Meaghan said...

I love Spirited Away too!!!