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I live in the Hunger Games.


one wish (fiction)

once there was this boy who was always made fun of in school. he had no friends, bad grades, he was just about to flunk because he was always put down. People said"your an idiot no one likes you." At least when he got home he could just be himself and play video games. His favorite game was the Legend of Zelda, he thought it would be great to be the main character, has so many friends, goes around the world. Then one day a wizard came and said "I can give you one wish" and the boy said "I wish i can have some friends because I can never make a friend." So then the next morning a boy came and asked if he could be this friend and he said yes. The next week it was his birthday him and five other friends came and then they all played and had a good time and then the wizard came and told the boy that the wish will soon be canceled after the party. Then the boy just said "I hope i can make some real friends thank you for letting me feel happy again." then the wizard waved a fork filled with cake and then all of the boys friends got up thanked him for the party and went away. The very next day his crush came and he asked her if she could be his friend then she said sure and then the boy never saw the wizard again the end


Cameron said...

tats a pretty sweet story jens. Ilike all of the games.

Brown man said...

Hello Jens! I greatly enjoyed your story. The wizard waving the food filled fork was pretty funny. The story could use a spell-cheak, though.Good job!

Your friend,

Angie said...

JENS! i am your friend! i hope you know that always and forever~i will always be there for you if you ever need anyone to talk to. that was a very interesting post. so truth full. That is one of the many good things about you. You are very truthfull in your writing. And by the way,Who is your Crush??

Inches said...

That was a pretty fabulous story jens. I really enjoyed reading it. It did make me kinda sad though. But i will have to tell you that my favorite video game is grand theft auto 4. Just out of curiosity, whos your crush?

Stephanie said...

Jens, Really great story! I'm really sorry if life sucked for that character. I knew people teased him but I thought they were just kidding. I'm sorry if I ever made him feel bad. Anyway I hope life is better for that character.

norah said...

Wow Jens vary grate story you have a grate imagination.Im sorry for the boy in the story he seems vary sad i wish everyone around him would relize how awasome he really is.And cool video game my favrite is all the Halo games. haha who is your crush?

Meaghan said...
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Ellie said...

that was an awesome story Jens i hope you that i am your friend and you are mine! and nothing will ever change that!! so who is this crush of yours Jens?? see you later bubby!!

Jens said...
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