About Me

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I live in the Hunger Games.



I like a lot of different comic books. Garfield is on of my most favorite comics. I like how he is a spunky cat who likes to drink coffee, watch TV, eat lasagna and sleep. He sort of reminds me of myself. I like to sleep, watch TV, eat lasagna (or any Italian food for that matter) and zone out on stuff. Jon sometimes scares me, like one time he needed companionship so bad he started talking to answering machines. Jon sort of reminds me of me, I'm a dork (but let me tell you I don't talk to any answering machine, That's for sure). Another hilarious comic is farside. Farside makes ordinary things un-ordinary. For example you see two fish and one says "Mom, tolkey dried his bed again.". I like X-men comics too, my favorite X-man
is Wolverine. Because he's lived for a century (that's right 100 years old!). He can heal any wound, his bones are metal, and he has claws that come out of his knuckles. I also like Calvin and Hobbes. He may be six, but he has a heck of a lot of an imagination. His stuffed tiger Hobbes, is his best friend. He also drives his parents and his babysitter CRAZZZZZZY. Because he acts like an adult. A comic type that I like is Manga. In Manga it's like human like but fiction like too, it's kind of hard to explain.


Ellies blog said...

hey Jens,
i love garfield!! he is my favorite comic too! i love lasagna! and coffee! i have not read any of the other comics though but they sound interesting. i dont think you are a dork!! you are a really cool guy Jens!!

Inches said...

Hey Jens!
I didn't know that Wolverine's bones were made out of metal! Thats awesome! I really enjoy Calvin and Hobbes as well. I dont get very many chances to read those though. I haven't ever really liked manga that much though. I like the more fictional, kidlike comics better.


rjacklewis said...

I like comics too. I think that my favorite comic book character has to be Superman. I just can't get over the fact that he can reverse time by flying really fast. I also like that he can totally fry, freeze, or blow objects. I sometimes watch a show called "Smallville". I like it because it's all about Superman. Garfield is really funny, and I enjoy reading his comics quite a bit.

Brown man said...

I love all those comics too! Manga is okay, although I enjoy teasing my friends about thier obsession.The Wierdest superhero I have ever seen is the Flaming Carrot. His head is a carrot on fire and he uses a nuclear pogostick. Look him up on google.

Mr. Bergquist said...

I like some of the same characters that you do. My favorite right now is Nightcrawler.

Check him out at: