About Me

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I live in the Hunger Games.


Riddles of the mind.

what is as red as tomato juice,
as tasteless as air,
it is in everyone,
and has the power of life,
and is seen in deaths,
who am I?

(Highlight below for answer)


you don't know me but I know everything about you.
I know hunger I know pain,
I know thirst I know sorrow.
I am you but I am not you,
What Am I



Britney said...

Wow that riddle was kinda wierd. Anyway nice job with though. I'm probably never going to think of tomato juice the same ever again. Keep up good work. Toodles.

Inches said...

Hi Jens,

Just thought I would let you know, your post was pretty off the hook yo. Your riddle was a tad on the creeper side but I liked it mucho. I like rest of your blog as well. Keep up the good work. Just keeping it real.

Scarlet :]

Christyna(: said...

Hi Jens,

Just thought I would let you know, your post was pretty off the hook yo. Your riddle was a tad on the creeper side but I liked it mucho. I like rest of your blog as well. Keep up the good work. Just keeping it real.

Christyna :]

Walker L. said...

Hi Jens,

Just thought I would let you know, your post was pretty off the hook yo. Your riddle was a tad on the creeper side but I liked it mucho. I like rest of your blog as well. Keep up the good work. Just keeping it real.

Walker :]

Adam Baesler said...

Cool Jens I would never have guessed that. I did my poem on air. That is cool that you said it is in us. You have a really cool blog. Anyway nice poem and keep blogging.
