About Me

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I live in the Hunger Games.


What hobbies and interests do you have?
My hobbies are rope tying, karate and drawing.

What image do you have of pioneer living?
Nothing easy.

What's the most challenging thing you and your family (or group) have experienced?
Family being divorced.

If you were chosen what do you think you would most miss about modern life?
Football and basketball.

What qualities do you and your family have that make you suited to this experience?
My dad, my step brother and Me have been trained in outdoor survival. So I think We can make it.

What skills do you have that may help you?
Rope tying. knife, saw and Axe training. Cooking with a wood stove. My dad is in construction businesses.

What would you hope to get out of the experience?
Proof that I can survive in 1883

What do you think will be the most difficult challenge of pioneer life?
surviving in the cold.

What skills would you like to learn from the experience?
Being able to train animals.

We'd like you to tell us:
What interests you about this project?
Living in simple life.
Do you have any concerns about your participation?
Not That I know of.
How much do you know about your family history -- do you have pioneer roots?
My I don't know how many greats grand father that I was named after traveled From Denmark to Utah.

How did you hear about Frontier House?
By Mr. Berquist.

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