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I live in the Hunger Games.


karate stuff

I love karate. Karate is just awesome. Because karate makes me fell great inside, makes me feel centered. Karate means "empty hand" in Japanese. There are a few different kinds of karate. on kind of karate is called uechi ryu, and that is the kind of karate that I am learning. It was founded by a man named Kanbun Uechi. he was born on May 5th 1877 (5/5/77). Kanbun was first taught pangainoon which means "half hard, half soft" then Kanbun modified it to uechi ryu. the uniform that people use is called a Gii ( kind of like the Wii).The belt is called the Obi (like Obi-wan Kenobi). Some cool sayings from the karate kid movies are. "true bonsai grow wild, when have strong root" which means you can shape your destiny if your soul is strong. Another one is "you can lose to tournament must not lose to fear" that means you can lose to things but don't be afraid that you are going to fail. Last one is "must stay focus best karate still inside you" that means relax, the ways to stay strong are still in your heart. Alright, so the three main colors of a belt are Whight,Green, Brown and Black. Wight is starting. Green is grass stains. Brown is dirt. Black means you cant do any thing else. The reason there are yellow and blue belts is because in America people thought it would be cool to have a lot of different colors. Karate is sort of a form of meditation.


Ellie said...

this is a really cool post jens!! i didnt know any of that stuff! but now i do. so what color belt are you on?? it sounds like you really like karate. i really like your blog it is cool! keep up the good work!!

Brown man said...

Hello Jens! I wish I could do Karate.
What kind belt do you have? I would really like to know. See you later.

d-man said...

wow that is awesome i like it to and i was suposed to go in to karate to but my perents didnt have enough money but any way that is pretty cool what collor belt are u i want to know cuz karate i pretti cool and fun u can beet alot of people up if they mess with you do u know and like death pins or massive pressure points that can like make u pass out