About Me

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I live in the Hunger Games.


A ninja unlike no other

alright this ninja I'm talking about is my friend. The spaghetti loving, high flying straight A student is none other then my ninja friend Lucas. Lucas,who can kick chuck Norri's cowboy can. How he can beat chuck Norris is secret, he'll get mad at me if i do. but if you pay me 50 cents I'll give you a hint. Well anyway let's get down to business. favorites.
Favorite food: Lucas's favorite food is mainly spaghetti. But he will prefer pizza, ravioli or any other Italian food.
Favorite music: He listens to Elvis, Weird Al. The rest are a mystery to me.
Favorite style of music: Mainly classic rock, because he says "all music today talks about relationships." sometime I agree with him.
Favorite pastime: Mainly reading, he's read 63 books over summer vacation. Read 12 series over summer. Lucas is really fond of sports, and really good at it too. He is the best at soccer, kickball, baseball and football.
Favorite country to say: the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia.
Well that's all I have to say about dawg, my homie g, my friend since i was -2.


Meaghan said...

dawg? homie-g? wow jens. isn't he you're step brother too?

Max's blog said...

Wow, I didn't thing that ninjas could speak all gangster like that! The ninja is you of course, don't even deny it! One day you will master the awesome Chuck Norris killing skills that your ninja step brother knows.... Well anyway, i also would like to mention that i think you should have written the title of this post as "A ninja like no other", because that makes more sense. Well anyway nice job on your blog! :)